Role within the project
- Building a new OPL prototype suitable for acoustics measurements in buildings
- Testing it against existing conventional dodecahedral sources
- Developping software to synchronize measurements and collect data
- Pilot testing on construction and retrofit worksites
- www.salleurl.edu
The Universitat Ramon Llull (URL), located in Barcelona, Spain, is a non-profit making federated private entity. It integrates 10 centres, each with its own legal identity, and a wide trajectory in research and higher education. Within URL, La Salle School of Engineering (the commercial name for Fundació Privada Universitat i Tecnologia, FUNITEC) is responsible for performing research and education in the technical domain.The Research Group for Media Technologies (GTM) from La Salle is accredited as a consolidated group by the autonomous government of Catalonia (SGR-2009-293). It is a multidisciplinary research environment focused on innovation in new multimedia technologies.
The knowledge areas that converge in the GTM are: multimodal signal processing with special emphasis on speech, acoustics, digital television, multimedia (graphics, virtual reality, animation), usability and user experience analysis. The multidisciplinary DTM team includes about 30 researchers with complementary profiles (from telecommunication and multimedia engineers to computer scientists, physicists or psychologists).
The work in the GTM is reflected by a large amount of publications in first rank international conferences and journals and with the participation in more than 30 competitive research projects since year 2000, both at a national level (Cenit projects such as Inredis or i3media) and at the European scale (FP: EUNISON, porTiVity, Suit, Salero, GMF4iTV; Celtic: WingTV, B21C, Hermes). National and international conferences such as ICME 2011 have been organized by the GTM.On the other hand, FUNITEC-LaSalle benefits from several facilities and equipments, which will be useful for the BUILT2SPEC project. Concerning the facilities, the GTM has at its disposal a full anechoic chamber and a reverberation chamber and possesses the equipment needed to perform all types of vibration and noise measurements in buildings (multichannel spectrum analysers, impact hammers, tapping machine, dodecahedral loudspeakers, etc.).